A little bit about us.
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About Us
MISSION: As a wholly-owned Irish Company, with head office in Dublin and a branch office in Belfast, GPMI’s future strategy is to develop in the Irish market, combining a comprehensive range of high-quality products from brand leaders, with high-standard, industry-specific customer service.
Recognising and appreciating every link in the merchant chain, we aim to focus on all aspects of our bespoke offering; customer service (with experienced sales, engineering and distribution teams), dedicated account managers for sector-specific organisations (commercial print, large format digital, LED lighting, packaging and sign-making), all delivering added value for our customers.
VISION: to be Ireland’s leading supplier to graphical printers & convertors with paper, board & plastics and supplying latest technology print solutions.
To earn, and retain, the respect and loyalty of our customers in the graphic and paper industry by providing the very best products for their needs, in the very best manner possible.