Get a little extra from Mimaki this Christmas

End User Incentive
For all purchases of 130cm and 160cm machines from the above ranges, we’re offering end users a free gift in time for Christmas. They’ll be able to choose from an X Box One, a Playstation 4, iPad Air 2 or an Apple Watch Sport (Series 1) when they take delivery of their new printer before Christmas. Full T&Cs are detailed below.
Terms & Conditions
All gifts offered are subject to availability and may be substituted with one of equal value if not available.
Offer ends midnight on 31st December 2016
Orders must be emailed, faxed or posted to Hybrid and must state they are part of the Christmas promotion and which gift, where applicable, is required.
Delivery must be taken by 31st January 2017.
Should a printer be returned without Bonus Bond or Gift, the RRP will be deducted from the Credit Note.